Eric Weaver

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Eric Weaver

Professor School of Biological Sciences University of Nebraska-Lincoln


MOLR 234
Lincoln NE 68583-0900
402-472-1971 On-campus 2-1971

Dr. Weaver's current research explores the use of bioinformatics, phylogenetics, immunology, and molecular biology to study the basic mechanisms of host-pathogen interactions and to create improved vaccines against microbial diseases. His research program can be broken into two arms, vaccine antigen design and vaccine platform design. First, they are testing ancestral/centralized genes to determine if they are useful as universal vaccines in vivo. In addition, they are exploring systems biology approaches to improve vaccine antigen design to improve the breadth and efficacy of the vaccine antigens. Second, vaccine platform design explores the use of alternative viral vectors as vaccines, as well as the development of safer more effective viral vaccine platforms.


2002 - 2005

NIH T32 Postdoctoral Fellowship, Duke University Medical Center, Human Vaccine Institute, Interdisciplinary Research Training Program in AIDS, “A Universal Env Immunogen for all HIV-1 Subtypes.” 5R21AI055386-02, Mentor: Feng Gao


Ph.D. in Genetics, Texas A&M University               

Thesis:  “Phylogenetic Analysis of Feline Immunodeficiency Virus and the Development of a Mucosal Prophylactic Vaccine” Mentor: Ellen Collisson


M.S. in Virology/Immunology, Department of Biology, Texas State University. Thesis:  “Synergistic Antiviral Inhibition of Newcastle Disease virus and Influenza A Virus”  Mentor: Gary Aron


B.S. in Microbiology, Department of Biology, Texas State University